Advertisers, Affiliates and Future Business Associates

The Nort Report is proud to begin arrangements for:

- Want to get your banner on The Nort Report? Want a Review? Well it depends on your product and whatnot - I am attempting to make the move away from unknown advertisements like Adsense and more towards products and services I have used and can actually endorse while being entirely truthful and know that it will add value to my readers time on my blog. Send me an E-mail (currently using for spam reasons).

Affiliates - Drop me a line; but it really depends on what you're offering. I'm not going to try and lure my readers into some multi-level marketing/referral game. Send me an E-mail (currently using for spam reasons).

Future Business Associates / Link Exchange / Networking - This is to my fellow bloggers; If you are interested in working together on a few pieces, maybe in giving or recieving an interview or writing or recieving some guest writing then drop me a line. Also, if you'd like to get on my BlogRoll then add me to yours and email me (currently using for spam reasons).

In the past 7 days, this website has had 38,000 impressions. I can't gurantee that every week will be like that - in fact, the majority of weeks will not be anywhere close to that. I got one of our articles above 2500 diggs and it was on the main page of and the whole she-bang. Although I can't gurantee the next time I'll get that kind of influx of readers - I CAN say that we will post everyday and try and try to get another article to break loose. If it happened once within the first month of our existence - I think think I can get it to happen some more...

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