Potheads Smarten Up?

At first glance, CannabisDomainNames.com may seem like a normal domain name site.
Sure, they offer cheap Domain Registration, reliable 99.9% uptime web hosting, 24/7 live support, but also a "higher" future?

Site owners say that through the power of collective bargaining; what they call consumer networking which is the grouping of consumers by a common cause and using their collective purchasing power to contribute to that cause, the people who believe in the cause can provide some much needed funding. www.CannabisDomainNames.com donates a portion of every purchase to Marijuana Legalization organizations that fight for reform.

Through this effect, CannabisDomainNames.com hopes to "change the world, with our buying power". They are currently in talks with NORML; but the money is donated monthly to any Marijuana Legalization organization that the directors deem best able to use the money effectively in the fight for freedom.
Domains (dot Com’s) @ $8.75
Hosting @ $3.99
Check’em out www.CannabisDomainNames.com

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